Our Services

Dedicated Co. is a software development consulting group that specializes in e-commerce sites and design systems. Our core value is transparency. We believe in involving our clients throughout the design and decision process, leaving them empowered to build on the work we did together.


 Here’s how we can help.

There are a lot of consulting firms and freelancers out there who can be contracted to work on specific parts of a company’s online strategy: one for SEO, one for design, one for conversion, and countless more. But often the work ends up being incomplete or piecemeal without a clear path forward.  

At Dedicated Co., our experience as developers and project managers means that we understand the full picture. We know how it feels to rely on other people to complete a project on time. That means we will make changes based on your specific context and can help you understand why each decision is being made.

We started our company because we know that it can be difficult to find web consultants who will deliver a high-quality project on time and under budget. That’s why we’re focused on transparency, ownership, and reliability. We use a goal-oriented design process that ensures that we understand exactly what our clients need. Our structured, high-touch development cycle will help you understand exactly what we’re working on and why, while helping you maintain your site for the long term.

Shopify Email


We can help you leverage the order confirmation email flow, with its high open rate, to send professional, branded emails to customers who have already purchased from you. We’ll take care of sending your customers an order confirmation email that will increase their LTV and keep them coming back.


Front-end Software Development


Are you struggling with your Squarespace site? Do you need to migrate from a legacy Drupal site to a newer platform? Or do you want to overhaul your brand identity? Let us help!


Shopify, Squarespace, Wordpress, or Custom Site Setup


Overwhelmed by the number of platforms to choose from? We’ll guide you towards best option for your business and help you build a clean, easy-to-use website from scratch.


Strategic Web Consulting


We’ll help you to break down your project and eliminate unnecessary scope so that we only build the features that most serve your audience.

  • Mae Capozzi

    Mae is a front-end software engineer with 5+ years of experience working with well-known technology companies like Harry’s, Flamingo, Better Mortgage, and Amplitude Analytics. She has the experience to implement any and all custom code requests and oversees all technical projects.

  • Bennett Capozzi

    Bennett is a Project Manager, Shopify Developer, and Squarespace Developer. He has worked as a Project Manager for Via Transportation for 2+ years and helps clients understand their technical requirements and the features that will help them get the most bang for their buck.

Want to work with us?

Drop us a line! We’d love to learn more about you and your project.